Case Study: Ikterus Neonatorum di RSUD Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, Kota Mojokerto
neonatal jaundice, bilirubin levels, neonatesAbstract
Neonatal jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the baby's skin and/or sclera caused by tissue deposition of bilirubin. World Health Organization (WHO), globally in 2013 the number of babies who died was 6.6 million, caused by neonatal jaundice. In 2014, 73% of newborn deaths worldwide occurred within seven days after birth, one of the causes was the excess production of bilirubin or known as jaundice, while in 2015 the number of babies with icterus neonatorum was found to be 79. 6%. Jaundice that is not treated immediately will have a worse impact on becoming kernicterus. The 6-day-old baby patient was brought by both parents to the children's polyclinic at Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital on August 1 2023, the reason for suspected jaundice was seen from By Mrs S's skin color which looked yellowish. On physical examination, the general condition of the baby was good, but the skin looked yellowish. There are no signs of infection in the umbilical cord, the baby's sucking reflex is weak when breastfeeding, unable to suck the nipple actively, the rooting reflex is weak when the nipple touches the baby's cheek, no reflex turns. With the results of supporting examinations in the form of laboratory tests, the total bilirubin level was 18.50 mg/Dl and the patient's blood type was O. The patient's diagnosis was icterus neonatorum. Phototherapy was given 2 x 24 hours and oral medication in the form of urdafalk 25 mg 3 x 1.